Sharing Benin with the World. One tourist at a time.



“education is life”

a community center for education research, innovation, and practice in benin



Benin received independence from France in 1960 after 68 years under their colonial rule. Despite multiple education conferences and donor aid in the millions, a genuine Beninese education system has yet to be developed. At present, we are in the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), a time characterized by the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, of which Africa could benefit. However, the current educational system in Benin is not relevant or able to able to prepare the local communities to take advantage of the economic and community development possibilities of the 4IR.


In 2022, The Kouda Company partnered with Educating for Leadership (E4L) and their Teaching through Technologies (T3) Alliance division to create a nonprofit organization for STEM education and research, where hands-on authentic and relevant learning experiences are co-created with the local communities in Glazoué, Benin.

The T3 Alliance Innovation Hub - Èkodjayé, will be a physical structure as well as a scalable and sustainable model for a new way to approach education in Benin. The adaptable three-pillar framework of growth mindset, technology skills, and community engagement is at the heart of their educational programs and encourages students, educators, and local community members (businesses, non-profits, and families) to use technology skills and growth mindset to design creative solutions aimed at local concerns.


International Development



development stage


year brainstormed



business model

The initial development of Èkodjayé would occur through grants, investors, crowdfunding, doctoral fellowship, and donations from the tourism arm of The Kouda Company. The pilot and subsequent onboarding and trainings will be paid events for the participants. In the future, Èkodjayé will be run as a cooperative, where it is owned by its members.

market & impact

Èkodjayé will be targeted to building the communities of the Glazoué region of Benin, 125000+ people according to the 2013 census.


Private and Public Universities; Non-Governmental Organizations; Private Schools; Foreign Aid Organizations

where do we begin

Èkodjayé will be rolled out in phases, with a successful pilot program as a goal. The community will be introduced to Èkodjayé through a face-to-face onboarding training in Benin inviting 10 participants (educators, local government officials, business partners, and community members). The program will utilize the successful onboarding training that the T3 Alliance has developed with the curriculum amended to align with the educational methods customary to the local community.



fund phase one

investment opportunity


We are looking to move Èkodjayé from the ideation phase to the real world.

To introduce Ekodjaye to the community we are in need of $15k to conduct the 4-day pilot program with 10 participants in January 2024.

$6,000. Construction (Èkodjayé Version 1)
$6,700. Pilot - Equipment Purchases
$2,300. Pilot - Operating and Evaluation




debra kouda

CEO, Co-Founder

Debra is a former Peace Corps volunteer and current doctoral student at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. She became a Beninese citizen in August 2021 and splits her time between Washington State in the US and Benin.

o. thomas d’aquin kouda

Communications and Logistics, Co-Founder

Thomas D’Aquin was born and raised in Benin. He became a US Citizen in 2016. He began in the photography business and most recently has started into real estate and agriculture in Benin.

Eric Badou

Government Liason

Eric’s role is critical to the ongoing support from the local political offices in the Glazoue region.


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secret sauce

As Beninese Americans, Debra and Thomas D'Aquin have lived experience in the US and Benin. We bring a unique perspective on education and ideas to a community that may believe that success and change can only be achieved in a formal school environment. We believe that the people of Benin deserve a safe learning environment where anyone, regardless of their age or formal education background, can build their capacity to address problems within their community.

Èkodjayé will enhance community needs and create a desire for future generations to remain in and build Benin into the productive country it has the potential to be without sacrificing that culture and community.

